Saturday, September 27, 2008

Changing Schedule

Dennis' schedule is going to be changing soon. He will be working 12 hour days, 2 days on and 2 days off. So that will make us a little backwards for a while. So dont mind our extra scatter brain to come. :)

Jillian is really picking up on her potty training... as long as she has her underpants on. She refuses to go potty in her underpants so she has to use her potty, but when it comes to her pull ups she just goes.

She has had only 2 accidents in the past 2 weeks. Though normally no matter how into playing she is she will take the time to announce she has to go potty. :) Its pretty darn cute actually. She still will not go #2, but that will come.

We are planning our trip home and trying to get everything squared away, we dont think we will have a car because we can not afford to rent one... so we will be relying on others to get us around. Kinda stinks, but how it sorta needs to be I suppose. We can not just drive home to get us around... well we could but then we could only be home for 4 days instead of 10. :) maybe only 3 or 2 days... Im not really sure exactly how long it takes.

We are working on getting Jillians birthday party squared away aswell before we leave so I dont have to rush around when we get home to have her party. Nothing big, just nice and fun for Jillian. We are thinking of getting her, her first doll house. Then for christmas get her most of the accesories, because the house doesnt come with much.

Thats really all thats going on with us. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

ANOTHER Happy Dance! :)

Two days in a row Jillian has been using the potty fairly regularly! I knew once she actually got the idea she would catch on quickly. Shes doing great now and I am so excited. I really dont want her to be growing up but its what they do I suppose.

Today we watched Nascar and I wanted Jimmie Johnson to win, atleast he was in second. Dennis' guy Stewart finished a negative lap. He was kinda sad, Though finding out the colts won this afternoon perked him up some. We are going to watch the Cleveland game tonights. :) Its kinda nice that Jillian likes watching Nascar and football. She pretends to be a car during Nascar and a football when we watch football. Its cute. We havnt watched either in so long it was cute to see how much she liked it.

Really nothing else new going on this way.:)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Doing The Happy Dance

Well, I was freaking out because Jillian still isnt fully potty trained. Infact she just recently started showing any interest in it. So I got together with some other moms to talk to them about what I should do.

So it would turn out my kid really isnt slow at all. Shes pretty much right on track for her. I never really thought about it but they all potty train at their own pace no matter how much we influence them.

I didnt want to push Jillian so I just kinda left it up to her wanting to or not. Then I started putting her in underpants all the time except at bedtime/naptime and when we would go out shopping or something.

One of my friends suggested to push her along a bit to take her out on short trips and if she has an accident she wont like it at all being out and about. So she will want to make stops at the potty. So I tried this for the first time yesterday.

We went to the gym and we were there for an hour and a half to two hours. She played hard with the other kids there and not one accident!

We got out to the truck and did the happy dance. She was really happy that she didnt make a mess. So it would seem my daughter is on the fast track now to growing up.